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The CAS Alumni Network Program is a program that matches current OSU College of Arts and Sciences juniors with past alumni or OSU friends who are in their desired industry or have similar backgrounds that can help guide them on their professional journeys. Mentors and mentees meet, at minimum, once a month to discuss various topics that ultimately help students achieve success in their academics and in their careers. Ultimately, the goal is to build student's confidence and give them a network of professional support. 

Start Your Mentoring Journey

For Mentees

Mentee listening to her Mentor


Current OSU Juniors



For Mentors

Mentor and Mentee standing side by side smiling at camera


OSU Alumni or Friends



Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the CAS Alumni Network Program?
    The CAS Alumni Network Program is a mentorship program aimed at helping students in their junior year at OSU become stronger and more developed professionals. 
  • Who can join the CAS Alumni Network Program?
    Students, if you are classified as a junior and are a member of the College of Arts and Sciences, we highly encourage you to apply! Mentors, if you have a connection to OSU and are passionate about helping the students here in Stillwater, we want you to join us too!
  • Why participate? (Mentee)
    Being a mentee is a great opportunity to build your network and your professional skills. In essence, having a mentor is all about having a guide that will walk alongside you as you navigate your unique career journey. This is extremely beneficial for both students who know exactly what they want to do and for students who may be confused on what professional path they are headed down. Regardless of where you’re at, you’re welcome here!
  • Why participate? (Mentor)
    Being a mentor is an extremely rewarding task as you help a student from OSU become more confident in navigating their professional journey. This program will also help you to build and maintain not only your own professional network, but also your connection with Oklahoma State. We are so excited you’re looking to get involved!
  • How does matching work?
    We take an extremely personalized approach to matching. Once applications have been collected, our team of career coordinators will sit down to hand select your mentee/mentor for you. We are looking for someone that either has the same background as you, same professional goals or same interests. However, we believe there is power in both similarities and differences, so we want to find you someone that challenges you and helps you grow as a professional whether you’re on the mentor or mentee side.
  • How long does this program run?
    This program will run the full 2023-2024 academic school year.
  • How often do I meet with my mentor/mentee?
    The expectation is that mentors and mentees will meet for at least one hour, once a month. However, we highly encourage you to meet more often if you feel like you want or need to meet more regularly.
  • How do I meet with my mentor/mentee?
    Nowadays, technology has advanced to where meeting with your mentor/mentee should be easier than ever! Because of this, how you chat is up to you. You can meet via Zoom, phone call or even in person if you would like. 
  • Does it matter if I’m not in Stillwater? (Mentor)
    Absolutely not! Our students have a diverse range of target cities after they graduate. Because of this, we encourage alums and friends from all over to apply.
  • What do I talk about with my mentor/mentee?
    This is the best part of mentor/mentee relationships! You can talk about wherever the conversation takes you. We really hope your talks are geared towards the students’ professional development, but if OSU football slips into the conversation every so often, who are we to stop you? Also, if you’re struggling to think of topics, we have provided several resources on this site to get the words flowing.

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