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Arts and Sciences

Risk Assessment, RBCA and Vapor Intrusion Course


March 19-20, 2024


Location: Edmon Low Library

Oklahoma State University

Stillwater, OK 74078


Gain invaluable knowledge in the application of risk assessment (RA) and risk-based corrective action (RBCA) by attending this two-day training Risk Assessment, RBCA & Vapor Intrusion Course in March, taught by RAM group founder Dr. Atul Salhotra. EDGE Engineering and Science is collaborating with The Oklahoma Ground Water Association to bring this training to Oklahoma State University’s Stillwater campus.


This intermediate- to advanced-level comprehensive 16-hour applied training — taught by Dr. Atul Salhotra, founder of RAM Group — presents an in-depth discussion of the application of risk assessment (RA) and risk-based corrective action (RBCA) for the management of contaminated sites with special emphasis on groundwater protection and indoor vapor intrusion pathway (VIP).


This event will meet the requirements for an RBCA course required for Oklahoma Corporation Commission Environmental Consultant License. Participants will receive a certificate of completion at the workshops conclusion and have the potential to receive 16 CEUs.


Registration is now open. Join us March 19-20, 2024. To learn more, click the categories in the sidebar.


Registration is now closed.


Please click the join interest list link below to receive updates about next year’s event!


Join Interest List



This course is approved for professional development credits. OSU is the host and will verify participation. Participants are responsible for submitting their certificate of completion to the following credit issuing agency:


Oklahoma Corporation Commission Logo





Risk Assessment micro-credential image

Risk Assessment (RA), Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) and Vapor Intrusion (VI) is also certified as a micro-credential and digital badge. Participants who complete the required materials will earn a micro-credential digital badge to be used on professional portfolios.


Click here for more information on micro-credentials and OSU offered digital badges.