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Training for Speech-Language Pathologists

Learning Objectives

Participants will learn to emphasize the crucial understanding that pediatric dysphagia entails more than just the physical aspect of a child's mouth. It necessitates an acknowledgment of the child as a whole, recognizing the involvement of multiple individuals in the care of pediatric dysphagia and the crucial role of the speech pathologist within that team.


Throughout our sessions, our aim is to underscore the significance of this broader perspective for speech pathologists, including the importance of addressing oral motor development in pediatric populations, the pivotal role of a speech pathologist in treating pediatric patients with multiple therapeutic needs, and the profound impact of oral motor dysphagia across various environments. Additionally, we will delve into the complexities surrounding billing and treatment approval for dysphagia and pediatric feeding, specifically within the State of Oklahoma.


After completing this conference session, you will be able to:


  1. List the four domains of pediatric feeding disorders and their multidisciplinary impact.
  2. Describe the importance of oral motor development in the context of pediatric feeding disorders.
  3. Identify the role of the speech pathologist in treating pediatric feeding disorders using a multidisciplinary model.
  4. State ways developmental stages and environments can impact pediatric dysphagia.
  5. List three billing codes and reimbursement procedures used for pediatric dysphagia.
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