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Arts and Sciences

Dr. Kaipa's Lab

Language Learning Lab

Welcome to the Language Learning Lab at Oklahoma State University!


The overarching goal of our research program is to examine practice regimes and the factors that promote novel vocabulary learning in adults and children from diverse backgrounds, with an eye toward translational application to clinical intervention. To this end, we have conducted multiple studies across three related themes:


  1. Practice regime and factors that promote vocabulary learning in adults.
  2. Practice regime and factors that promote vocabulary learning in children from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, both with and without language impairments.
  3. Language learning patterns and differences in bilinguals and multilinguals.

Get Involved


Students in the lab typically work on their projects (usually a master's thesis or senior honor's thesis), or they might serve as research assistants on existing projects. Contact Dr. Roha Kaipa if you are interested in being a part of the lab.



We often participants for our studies, which may take place in the lab, in the community, or online. See the Research page or contact Dr. Roha Kaipa for current opportunities.