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Arts and Sciences

SLP Knowledge of AAE

Senior Brittanie Stowers interviewed practicing SLPs in Oklahoma about their familiarity with African American English (AAE).


She presented her resulting honors thesis at the state conference later that year.

Papers and Presentations

(*student author)

  • *Stowers, B. (2019). Oklahoma elementary school speech-language pathologists’ knowledge of African American English. Senior honors thesis, Oklahoma State University.
  • *Stowers, B. & Freeman, V. (2019, October). Oklahoma elementary school speech-language pathologists’ knowledge of African American English. Poster, Oklahoma Speech-Language-Hearing Association (OSLHA), Oklahoma City, OK.

Student Corner

Data and Materials
  • Audio-recorded interviews with SLPs in Oklahoma
  • Demographics of SLPs and their schools
  • Notes on responses; SLP scorings of CELF video
  • Video of child taking part of a CELF grammar assessment
  • Interview scripts; CELF scoring forms; consent forms, flyers, email scripts, IRB forms, etc.
  • Materials for planned but not completed components (parent surveys, data from school and SLP records): scripts, questionnaires, flyers, recruitment emails, consent forms, approved IRB forms, parent permission, HIPAA/FERPA forms, notes on procedures to conduct research in schools, etc.
Project Ideas
  • Conduct other planned portions: examine SLP/school records or survey parents about their children's AAE usage, speech therapy goals and outcomes (Note: it may take a long time to get permission from schools before you can begin).
  • Develop a training program or informational materials (video, webpage, pamphlet...) about AAE for SLPs, schools, or parents.
  • Survey SLP training programs in Oklahoma about their knowledge and experience with AAE, how they teach about it, etc.
  • Survey parents, SLPs, or schools with AAE speakers about their knowledge of AAE and speech therapy experiences.