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  • 04/08/2024 — Congrats Zeke! — Congratulations to Zeke Young for successfully defending his Master’s thesis. Zeke’s thesis was on “Comparing speech rate in individuals with Parkinson’s disease and healthy controls." See Zeke's photo here
  • The team at Motor Speech Lab welcomes Anna Scheer. Anna is a freshman research scholar and is highly passionate about helping people with communication disorders.


  • A paper titled “ Altered auditory feedback improves speech intelligibility in individuals diagnosed with Parkinson's disease – A pilot study” was accepted for publication in the journal “Folia Phoniatrica et Logopedica”.
  • Dr. Ramesh Kaipa was awarded the President’s Faculty Fellow Research Award. This will allow Dr. Kaipa to continue his research on developing evidence-based treatments for speech rate deficits in individuals with Parkinson’s disease
  • Motor Speech Lab welcomes Hannah Melton to the team. In her role, as a graduate research assistant, Hannah will assist in data collection and analysis for a current project pertaining to treatment of speech deficits in Parkinson’s disease. Hannah will also be pursuing a master’s thesis under the guidance of Dr. Kaipa.


Archived Announcements


  • 10/23/2020 — Motor Speech Lab Welcomes New Members — The Motor Speech Lab welcomes Zack Ormsby, Claudia Raines, Nancy Preston (Master's thesis students), Hayden Mott (GRA), and Ann Cooper (Undergraduate student researcher).
  • 08/21/2020 — Dr. Ramesh Kaipa Receives Grant Funding — Dr. Ramesh Kaipa received funding from the Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST) for his proposal titled “Role of Altered Auditory Feedback and Principles of Motor Learning in Improving Speech Intelligibility in People With Parkinson's disease”. Dr. Kaipa’s proposal was ranked #1 among the 130 proposals that were submitted for funding. Read more in the OSU News article.
  • 04/14/2020 — Corina Hernandez Successfully Defended Her Thesis — Corina Hernandez successfully defended her Master's thesis "Profiling Predictors of Speech Intelligibility in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease." The committee comprised of Drs. Ramesh Kaipa (advisor), Christopher Dromney (Brigham Young University), Alex Bishop, and Roha Kaipa appreciated Corina's efforts to collect data from a large sample size. Congrats Corina!!


  • 12/16/2019 — Adieu to Avery James — Ms. Avery James, an undergraduate research assistant at the Motor Speech Lab was recently accepted to the graduate program at Baylor University. Avery was instrumental in collecting lip EMG data from several participants. The lab thanks her for her involvement in this project.  We know she will go on to accomplish several things. Here is wishing her the best of luck.
  • 09/25/2019 — From Honors Thesis to a Peer-Reviewed Journal — Congrats to lab alumnus, Bethany Howard for getting her Honors thesis published in the prestigious journal "Motor Control". In her Honors thesis, Bethany compared the role of massed vs. distributed practice in learning novel French utterances. To this end, she recruited 50 healthy participants who were randomly assigned to either the massed or the distributed practice groups. All participants practiced eight French utterances for a total of 200 times either through the distributed or the massed practice approach. Results indicated that distributed practice is beneficial for learning these novel utterances.


  • 08/20/2018 — Welcome — Motor Speech Lab welcomes several students this fall semester: Corina Hernandez (Master's thesis and GRA), Kayna Williams (Senior Honors Thesis), Sarah Sharitt (Undergraduate research course), and Eliza Hale (Freshman Research Scholar).