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12 Netiquette Tips

Netiquette Chart

The above image includes guidelines for netiquette, or appropriate behavior in an online course. These twelve statements can help prevent common misunderstandings among students and instructors when communicating in an online setting

This list was compiled from research trends in online education and from many conversations with our own CAS faculty, who have plenty of experiences to share.


You can find a text version of the Netiquette guidelines to the right. This version is a great addition to your online course syllabus. Share this information with your online students as guidelines for discussion board interactions, a preface for preferred email structure, or for any group work embedded in your online course.


Classroom interactions are varied, and there is not a one-size-fits-all solution to addressing professionalism. Insert your own thoughts on netiquette and discuss these ideas with your students. The main goal is to ensure our students are aware of the difference between interacting within a professional course at OSU and chatting with friends on social media. Let's strive for excellence in professionalism among our CAS Cowboys!

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