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Arts and Sciences


Netiquette is a set of online etiquette rules. It is a set of guidelines for acceptable behavior when interacting with students and instructors online. Netiquette is part of the enhanced learning realm of our classes, and it is beneficial to address it directly in your online courses. While teaching netiquette may not be explicitly outlined in your course learning objectives, it is no less valuable than many of the other skills we model for our students, such as critical thinking, evaluating validity of resources and how to perform in a professional environment.


These twelve guidelines can help prevent common misunderstandings among students and instructors when communicating in an online setting. You can download this handout to share directly with your students, but it will also be beneficial to spend time talking about your own netiquette expectations. Classroom interactions are varied, and there is not a one-size-fits-all solution to addressing professionalism. Insert your own thoughts on netiquette and discuss these ideas with your students. The main goal is to ensure our students are aware of the difference between interacting within a professional course at OSU and chatting with friends on social media. Let's strive for excellence in professionalism among our CAS Cowboys!