Video Assignments
There are multiple style of video assignments that you can assign to students based on what your course objectives are.
Video-based instead of text
The discussion section within Canvas has the option for students to submit videos as their discussion post instead of text. The instructor can also turn on the comments, so other students can respond to the video post.
Reaction Video Feedback
Instructor feedback feels real-time
Let's say you ask your students to record a group discussion that occurred virtually through Canvas conference software. The instructor can record him or herself watching the recorded group conversation and make comments as the discussion progresses.
A deeper learning experience
The technical options for video reflections are similar to video- based discussions. However, asking students to reflect on what they learned, how the content affects their daily lives, or what questions arose from the content forces the students to think deeply about their learning, which increases understanding.
Allow personality and creativity
Commonly, students are asked to record themselves presenting their research. Enhance these presentations by asking students to produce a creative video that does more than just record a PowerPoint. Have students look at their favorite online videos for inspiration. Add music, graphics, and personality to make it entertaining and informative.