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Clinical Program

The intent of our doctoral program in clinical psychology is to train students to become scientific clinical psychologists. It is our view that clinical psychology must be a science-based discipline, as the scientific method provides the strongest basis for developing new knowledge in our field and for disseminating services that are shown scientifically to be effective. We train our students to be leading researchers, critical consumers of the scientific literature, and clinicians who depend on scientific findings to guide their applied activities. All of our doctoral students are expected to conduct original research, and most of our graduates make ongoing contributions to the scientific literature over the course of their careers. All students are trained to function independently as research scientists and to use scientific evidence in all phases of developing and applying clinical services. These commitments are expressed through the following specific goals:


  1. Students acquire and demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to conduct and evaluate empirical research in areas of importance within clinical psychology;

  2. Students acquire and demonstrate knowledge of the broad base of psychological theory and research related to the field of clinical psychology;

  3. Students acquire and demonstrate knowledge of the theoretical bases and empirical support for current methods of clinical practice and the skills required to implement theory-based, evidence based practice;

  4. Students acquire and demonstrate the skills necessary to conduct themselves ethically and professionally; and

  5. Students acquire and demonstrate the skills necessary to conduct themselves in a culturally competent manner in their research and clinical practice. Students are expected to participate in a variety of research experiences throughout their training to develop the necessary conceptual skills to design and evaluate clinical research. The clinical faculty publish in top quality refereed research journals and are active leaders in professional organizations.

Student Participation

Students will participate in seminars, core courses, and clinical practicum that focus on the science and evidence-based practice of clinical psychology. Students acquire clinical training through a departmental training clinic and external practicum sites. Students are required to complete a one-year, APA-approved internship prior to completion of the Ph.D. degree. Students who enter with a master's degree follow a similar curriculum. Please note that the clinical psychology Ph.D. program requires a minimum of four years of full-time study on campus plus an additional 1-year internship for program completion, and that at least two years must be at this institution and one year must be in full-time residence.


The clinical psychology program at Oklahoma State makes student admissions, outcomes, and other data available. In the application review process, the Admissions Committee considers: (a) research experiences, (b) fit of applicant's interests to program and faculty research interests, (c) letters of recommendation, (d) GRE/GPA, and (e) quality of undergraduate/graduate training. Also in the spirit of these policies, our Graduate Student Handbook and Clinical Program Supplement are available for download. It contains specifics on what is required of our graduate students.

Application Information

The deadline for the Clinical Program is December 1st of each year. The Clinical Program expects prospective students to attend Interview Weekend held in February. Applicants will be notified by late December if they are to be invited.


The clinical psychology program at Oklahoma State University has been continuously accredited by the American Psychological Association since 1971 and has been accredited by the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System since 2018. The program integrates scientific and professional training through research, practicum, and didactic experiences. The program transitioned from a scientist-practitioner model to a clinical science model and is a member of the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science. Our program recognizes clinical training as a core competency in the development of clinical scientists and we believe that clinical competency facilitates and informs clinical science. Thus, we strive to provide excellent clinical training that integrates science and practice through the development of knowledge and skills in basic psychology, research methodology, clinical theory, assessment, case conceptualization, prevention, and treatment procedures. Four specialized tracks are offered: clinical child, health psychology, pediatric psychology and adult psychopathology.


Questions related to the program’s accredited status should be directed to the Commission on Accreditation:


American Psychological Association

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
750 First Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20002-4242
Phone: 202-336-5979
Fax: 202-336-5978
TDD: 202-336-6123


Frequently Asked Questions