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Providing services to

children, adolescents and adults.
The Psychological Services Center (PSC) was established in 1971 as a facility for training, service and research. This clinic is operated by the Department of Psychology. The PSC is accessible to individuals with a physical disability.
Initial, required intake appointments are $10, and therapy session fees are calculated according to a sliding scale based upon level of income, with fees starting at $5 per session. Fees for assessments are also based on a sliding scale and range from $150-$1,000 (OSU students pay a standard assessment fee of $250).
The PSC is open Monday through Friday our hours of operation are 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Evening appointments are available on an individual basis.
The PSC's staff includes doctoral students in the clinical psychology training program. Student therapists are supervised by clinical psychologists in the Department of Psychology. Although the exact composition may change from year to year, the staff is generally composed of individuals from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds.


Call 405-744-5975 to set up an appointment.
  • Confidentiality

    We maintain confidentiality for all clients, students and community members alike, and thus will not speak to anyone about your treatment unless you specifically direct us to to so. There are some times when we must break confidentiality according to state and federal law (for example, if we learn that there is ongoing child abuse), and these will be discussed thoroughly in your first session.

  • Cost

    Cost will be discussed during your first visit. At the PSC, we charge clients via a sliding scale based on current yearly income. The cost per session is between $10 and $80. We do not bill insurance, so all fees must be paid "out of pocket" via cash, check, credit card or university bursar account.

  • Location on Campus

    Psychology Building, Room 118. Come in the front door of the Psychology Building, walk to the right and the waiting room is the first door on the right.

  • Parking

    We have three reserved parking spots in front of the Social Sciences and Humanities building. They can be accessed via Monroe Street—If you are on Monroe coming towards campus from the south, our parking lot is the first left after crossing University Avenue.

  • Services Offered

    In the PSC, we provide psychotherapy for a variety of needs, including depression, anxiety, academic difficulties, ADHD, trauma, bipolar disorder and more. If we are not able to provide adequate services for you, we will provide referrals within the local community who will better be able to help. We cannot provide prescriptions for medication.

  • Session Information

    You will typically agree to a session time with your therapist. Typically, sessions are 50 minutes in length and occur once per week. Session timing and length can be modified by yourself and your therapist, based on your clinical needs.

  • Therapists

    You will be seen by students in the clinical psychology Ph.D. program. Each student is directly supervised by a faculty member within the clinical psychology department.

Other Information

Community and Online Resources

There are a number of resources available to members of the OSU and Stillwater community that can help you if you are in a moment of crisis or are feeling unsafe.


HIPAA Privacy Statement

Oklahoma State University is committed to protecting the privacy of your health information. 


PSC Resources

The PSC has created a shared, password protected Dropbox containing various materials for our clients.

PSC Resources