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Political Science

Undergraduate Studies
A political science degree combines skills in oral and written communication, history, statistics and quantitative analysis, and research literacy. Some of our majors focus in American politics, studying such topics as parties and elections, public opinion, the courts, or interest groups.  Others are more interested in global politics, specializing in the related fields of comparative politics and international relations.  Our international-themed courses include classes on the politics of Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Russia, as well as topical courses on terrorism, foreign policy, conflict, international political economy, and international organizations. Students can choose between a general political science degree or choose a specialization in pre-law, global politics, or practical politics (campaigning, lobbying and policymaking).

Undergraduate Degrees

Combined photos of Washington Monument and 3 female students in front of the Roman Collesium

Political Science, B.A., B.S.

Students who plan to work in government, business, public administration, or those considering graduate study are encouraged to pursue our general political science degree. This degree offers the greatest flexibility, allowing our majors to chose the courses that most appeal to them or personalize their degree with a related minor.

Political Science, B.A. Political Science, B.S.
Group of students in front of Cambridge

Global Politics Option, B.A., B.S.

Ideal for students interested in careers in intelligence, security, diplomacy or those who intend to go to law school and focus on international law, the political science global politics focus provides students with a broad overview of international relations theories and exposure to different countries, regions and political systems.

Political Science: Global Politics Option, B.A. Political Science: Global Politics Option, B.S.
Photo of blind justice statue in Dublin, Ireland

Pre-Law Option, B.S.

Ideal for students going to law school with a focus on domestic (U.S.) law, the political science–pre-law focus provides students with an in-depth training on American legal traditions as well as practical experience with legal research and writing techniques.

Political Science: Pre-Law Option
female student at podium in the state capital

Campaigning, Lobbying and Policymaking Option, B.A.

Ideal for students interested in running for elective office, working on campaigns, or intending to work for a lobbying group.

Political Science: Practical Politics–Campaigning, Lobbying and Policymaking Option, B.A. Political Science: Practical Politics–Campaigning, Lobbying and Policymaking Option, B.S.

Public Policy, B.A., B.S.

Ideal for students who intend to pursue graduate training in public policy or public administration. It is designed to pair well with other majors or minors in "substantive" policy areas, such as environmental, agriculture, or finance policy.

Political Science: Public Policy, B.A. Political Science: Public Policy, B.S.


Political Science Minor

For the non-major interested in building a good knowledge base on the American and/or international political process.  This minor, which gives students the greatest flexibility in pursuing the topics that most interest them, may especially appeal to those pursuing a career in political journalism, scientific policy-making, and consulting.

Political Science Minor

Campaigns and Lobbying Minor

Ideal for political science majors or non-majors interested in campaign management work or lobbying following graduation.  This interdisciplinary minor combines core political science courses with electives that build marketing, persuasion, and communication skills.

Campaigns and Lobbying Minor

Intelligence and Security Analysis Minor

For students interested in foreign policy, intelligence analysis, or national defense, the intelligence and security analysis minor combines analytic training with practical knowledge of American foreign policy and international affairs.

Intelligence and Security Analysis Minor

Law and Legal Studies Minor

A good minor for majors and non-majors looking to apply to law school or going into a related legal profession, this minor builds the knowledge, research, and writing skills to help students better understand the nature and practice of law.

Law and Legal Studies Minor

Scholarships and Other Opportunities


Thanks to the generous support of our donors, we are able to award several scholarships recognizing the top undergraduate students enrolled as political science majors. The amount and availability of each scholarship may vary by year, so please contact us for the most up-to-date information. Students interested in applying should email the following documents to us:

How to Apply Online Application Form


In the past, our department has worked with several external internship programs to place our students in DC, but are now currently in the process of developing our own internship program that will connect students to internships at the national, state and local levels. Until this process is formalized, our internship coordinator is working with students one-on-one to help them find internships and register for course credit through OSU.

More Information About Internships

Research Assistantships

Undergraduate students can help build their resume and earn three hours of course credit

More Information About Undergraduate Research

Advancing Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (AURCA)

AURCA offers mentored research opportunities and professional development training for work-study-eligible undergraduate students. AURCA students engage in high-caliber research and creative projects with faculty mentors throughout the College of Arts and Sciences. Political science has been an active participant in this program since the beginning (the sample social science project on their website is from one of our faculty!). Several faculty apply to this program each year, offering students with financial need an opportunity to gain research work experience, develop professional skills, build mentoring relationships, and earn money to help pay for education expenses.