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Pi Sigma Alpha Honor Society

Graduate with Distinction
Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society, is an "upper division, specialized" honor society for undergraduate and graduate students of political science in the United States.
Membership in Pi Sigma Alpha offers students the right to wear honor regalia at graduation, participate in a national student research conference, and compete for a prestigious internship scholarship, graduate school scholarships, and best paper awards. Members are also eligible for special benefits such as discounts on Kaplan courses or improved pay scales if hired into the federal government. Local chapters may also apply for grants to help fund special events and activities on campus. 
Each spring and fall, Pi Sigma Alpha also publishes the Pi Sigma Alpha Undergraduate Journal of Politics.  This journal features undergraduate research in political science and government, and welcomes submissions from any undergraduate class or major. Submissions deadlines are October 1 for the Fall issue and February 1 for the Spring issue.
More Information About the Pi Sigma Alpha Honor Society



Holley Hansen Advisor 211 Social Sciences and