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Arts and Sciences

Family and Youth Development Project

The Family and Youth Development Project has been funded by Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, OCAST, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Drs. Criss and Morris have collected data on over 300 adolescents through various FYDP projects over the last seven years. We have collected observational data on parents and teens, and teens and peers, including psychophysiological data (heart rate, respiration), genetic and cortisol data (through saliva samples), and survey and interview data. For one study, we collaborated with the Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR) to collect fMRI data. Numerous conference presentations and papers have resulted from this project, and several studies are currently underway.

Associated Projects

R15 Girls Project

In this longitudinal project funded by NIH, we have been following an ethnically diverse sample of adolescent girls, many from low-income families, focusing on the role that parents and peers play in the development of emotion regulation and psychopathology.


Adolescent Sleep Project

In this project funded by OCAST, and partnering with OSU's Center for Family Resilience, we are examining the role of parents and peers (especially nocturnal electronic communication with peer) in the development of adolescent sleeping habits and emotion regulation.​