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Arts and Sciences


Our theoretical research is focused on testing the Standard Model of particle physics, as well as suggesting and probing theories that go beyond the Standard Model. Our work spans a broad range of topics including Higgs physics, Neutrino physics, Unification of Forces, Dark Matter, and QCD. The group focuses on phenomenological explorations at the Energy Frontier, especially with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and at the Intensity Frontier, especially with the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE).


Our experimental program is involved in both measurements of known particles, like the top-quark, and searches for new particles, like charged Higgs bosons, additional quarks, or leptoquarks. Our research is carried out using the ATLAS detector at CERN (and previously the DO̸ (DZero) experiment at Fermilab). Our group has been involved in the construction of the optical readout of the IBL upgraded to the ATLAS Pixel system and the upgrade to the online monitoring software for the ATLAS Pixel system. We are also involved in the development and calibration of the b-tagging algorithms and studies of jet substructure on ATLAS.


For anyone who's a bit rusty in particle physics, we encourage you to take The Particle Adventure, an award-winning interactive tour of the sub-atomic world.