CAS Community Opportunities
Courses are taught by OSU staff and faculty with expertise (personal or professional) in a given area. These courses may be offered on or off campus. Registration fees vary based on the program.
Non-Credit Courses Offered:
The College of Arts and Sciences Outreach offers non-credit programming for personal development and enrichment to area residents regarding subjects that fall within the Arts and Sciences subject areas. The purpose of these courses is to share staff and faculty expertise with the community, and in doing so, create a bridge or an engagement opportunity.
- GenCyber Cowboy Teacher Cybersecurity Academy
- Geology Field Camp
- Reading Readiness Camp
- Sports Media Camp
Professional Development and Continuing Education Unit Offerings:
No matter where you are in your career, there’s always more to learn. OSU’s College of Arts and Sciences Outreach offers professional development courses and conferences to anyone seeking to better themselves and their careers.
Online Self-Paced
- Hydrocarbon Site Management Workshop
- Motivational Interviewing
- NGWA University Online
- Well Driller and Pump Installer Workshop
Multi-Day Conferences
- Cimarron Conference on Communication Disorders
- OGWA Conference and Trade Show
- Risk Assessment, RBCA and Vapor Intrusion Course
Single-Day Workshops
- Online Geology Teacher Workshops