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Arts and Sciences

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The phone numbers below are extensions. To call from off campus, dial 405-744-[four-digit extension].


Department Department Head Phone Office  Assistant
Art, Graphic Design & Art History Andy Mattern (Interim) x6016 407 BC Stefhania Antonucci
Chemistry Christopher Fennell x9046 107 PS Elaina Wright
Communication Sciences & Disorders Ramesh Kaipa x7226 026 SSH Errin Hanshew
Computer Science Roger Mailler x5683 112 MS Indu Grover
English Jeff Menne x9474 205 MOR JuDean Howerton
Geography Jon Comer x6250 337 SSH Barbara Goodnight
Boone Pickens School of Geology Todd Halihan (Interim) x6358 105 NRC Sandy Earls
History Brian Hosmer x8182 101 SSH Susan Oliver
Integrative Biology Jason Belden x5555 501 LSW Gertie Mulder
Languages & Literatures Erik Ekman x9543 102D GU Megan Robinson
Mathematics Jay Schweig x8224 401 MS Angie McFarlin
School of Media & Strategic Communications  Jared Johnson x6354 206 JB Melissa Coldiron
Microbiology & Molecular Genetics Jeff Hawiger (Interim) x7180 307 LSE Luise Schoenknecht
Michael and Anne Greenwood School of Music Lucia Unrau x8997 102 GSM Holli Stevens
Philosophy Shannon Spaulding x9238 246 SSH Hannah Harvey
Physics Flera Rizatdinova x2737 145 PS Stephanie Anderson
Plant Biology, Ecology & Evolution Mark Fishbein x2544 301 PS Destiny Goree
Political Science Howard Sanborn x5569 201 SSH Kierstean Lane
Psychology Maureen Sullivan (Interim) x6027 116 PB Lisa Bourgeois
Sociology Tamara Mix x6105 431 SSH Barbie Teel
Statistics Mindy McCann  x5684 301 MS Brenda Kindschi
Theatre Lee Brasuell x6094 121 SCPA James Field
Aerospace Studies (Air Force ROTC) Michael Cheatham x8957 314 THR Mendi Cronister
Military Science (Army ROTC) Kyle Fergusson x1775 311 THR Tina Burch
Africana Studies Erica Townsend-Bell X5569 213 SSH  
American Indian Studies John Chaney X5703 407 SSH  
American Studies John Kinder X8047 159 SSH  
Religious Studies Richard Boles (Interim) X5679 101 SSH  
Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies Lucy Bailey X9194 215 WLLD  
OSUTeach Michael Tallman X5479 417 MS  
Center for the Humanities Jennifer Borland X3999 108 BC