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AURCA Mentors

Thank you for your interest in mentoring AURCA students! AURCA was established by the College of Arts and Sciences to expand access to valuable research and creative opportunities to work-study eligible undergraduates. 

Program Overview

The AURCA program is excited to support the fourth cohort of student researchers during the 2024-2025 academic year. Access to paid work is often a barrier to research experiences for students, particularly those who are economically at-risk and/or from populations historically under-supported in research. The AURCA program connects eligible undergraduates to paid research and creative opportunities with CAS faculty mentors. AURCA mentors receive enthusiastic mentees who expand research progress and cultivate new knowledge. 



AURCA at-a-glance

  • All CAS faculty may apply to be an AURCA research mentor. 

  • There is no financial cost to AURCA research mentors. AURCA research students are 100% supported by AURCA funds and the students' financial themed art display

  • AURCA mentors interview and select a student among the AURCA applicant pool.

  • AURCA students work 8-14 hours per week during the academic year (fall and spring).

  • Undergraduates with federal work-study funding through their financial aid package may apply for AURCA.

  • AURCA mentors have the primary responsibility of training and supervising the undergraduate research student, although graduate students and research assistants may assist on a day-to-day basis.

  • AURCA offers resources and facilitates training for mentors who would like enhance their mentoring relationship with AURCA research assistants.

  • For those who are interested, AURCA recommends mentoring resources from the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research.


Mentor Requirements


Submit a Project


Sample Projects

The AURCA program is committed to supporting curious students from all disciplines and backgrounds. We aim to offer a variety of projects from across CAS disciplines. AURCA students will receive access to the project list after a mandatory orientation session in late August. We encourage students to explore broadly and be open to all projects that spark their curiosity. Students often place strong emphasis on the skills to be gained and the work environment when selecting projects. Below are broad topic areas of some recent AURCA projects, though many projects could be considered interdisciplinary. Within these areas, we share some sample project descriptions and student responsibilities.