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One major, several options...

In addition to a general Sociology degree, the Department of Sociology at Oklahoma State University offers numerous options for students hoping to specialize their education. With options in anthropology, criminology and criminal justice, environment and society, and social services, students can tailor their sociology degree for their future career field.
For students interested in pursuing professional degrees, the Department of Sociology also offers Pre-Med and Pre-Law options.


To find out more information about each option, read below and see degree requirements on our degree sheets.


BA, BS, Pre-Law and Pre-Med
The general Sociology degree provides students with a strong foundation in sociological theory and methods while also allowing flexibility for interdisciplinary exploration of society and social behavior. Students seeking professional degrees can further specialize their degree with options in both Pre-Med and Pre-Law. Considering a degree in sociology? You can find our degree sheets with course requirements in the dropdown below.


BA and BS
The option in anthropology familiarizes students with the methods and principles of cultural anthropology, archaeology, and biological anthropology. While studying the history of humans and culture, engaging courses and opportunities for hands on experience prepare students to enter both academic and nonacademic careers. Considering a degree in anthropology? You can find our degree sheets with course requirements in the dropdown below.     

Criminology and Criminal Justice

BA and BS
The option in criminology and criminal justice prepares students for both academic and nonacademic careers related to crime, criminal behavior, law enforcement, the courts and corrections. A wide variety of course offerings provide students the opportunity to study topics such as the criminal justice system, drugs and drug policy, juvenile delinquency and gangs and society. Interested in a degree in criminology and criminal justice? You can find our degree sheets with course requirements in the dropdown below.

Environment and Society

BA and BS
The option in environment and society introduces students to the critical relationship among humans, society and the environment. Course offerings focus on topics such as environmental hazards and disasters, environmental inequality and technology, preparing students for future careers in environmental law, government, nonprofit or academics. Interested in a degree in environment and society? You can find our degree sheets with course requirements in the dropdown below.

Social Services

BA and BS
The option in social services gives students an opportunity to study specific communities, group trends and public service. With course offerings such as Sociology of Families, Sociology of Health and Illness, and Social Psychology, students are provided a foundation for careers in both public service and academia. Interested in a degree in Social Services? You can find our degree sheets with course requirements in the dropdown below.

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