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Experimental Program

The experimental program adopts a broad approach to the science of psychology by examining the biological, cognitive, developmental, social, and personality factors that affect behavior across the full range of the individual’s lifespan, providing an approach to psychology that extends “from the cradle to the grave.”


There are four concentrations to choose from, all housed under the general experimental program. The cognitive, comparative-neurobiology, developmental and social-personality tracks are all housed under the general experimental psychology program. Our program adopts the perspective that psychology is a very broad and dynamic discipline. The central focus of psychology is on the understanding, prediction, and enhancement of individual behavior, from a variety of perspectives. These perspectives can range from cognitive neuroscience; to the biological and physiological bases of behavior; to behavior in social environments; to the assessment of individual differences in personality; to the developmental changes that impact behavior; to the quantitative modeling of individual performance. To accommodate this broad spectrum, our program examines the biological, cognitive, developmental, social, and personality factors that affect behavior.


When applying to the experimental psychology program, each potential graduate student applies directly to one of these four tracks, depending on their interests and career goals. In general, students will be “housed” in a particular track and within a particular laboratory, but it is also possible to collaborate with faculty and students in other tracks or laboratories, especially during the later years of graduate training.


Thesis and Research

All students are required to complete a master's thesis and doctoral research. Students are expected to participate in research activities throughout their graduate training. Research experience is complemented by course work in statistics and research methodology and design. All students also take a practicum course in the teaching of psychology, and most gain experience as instructors. In addition, students in the experimental program are encouraged to develop applied skills to enhance their job market potential.


We offer a flexible curriculum, and encourage students to design a plan of study that fits their needs and goals. Experimental faculty works with you to achieve your goals, and all students are expected to earn their degrees. Students are funded through grants, assistantships, full out-of-state tuition waivers, and partial waivers of general fees.


Click here to download the Graduate Student Handbook and Experimental Psychology Supplement for more information.

Application Information

The deadline for the Experimental Program is December 1st of each year. The Experimental Program expects prospective students to attend Interview Weekend held in February. Applicants will be notified by late December if they are to be invited.