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Arts and Sciences





11/2023 — Congratulations to Sujan and Masrur. They each presented a 20-min talk at the American Chemical Society Southwest Regional Meeting, Nov. 15-18, 2023, Oklahoma City.


10/2019 — Dipendra, Donghua, and Jacob Mahaffey of Cowboy Technologies attended the NSF Life Science I-Corps regional program in MD Anderson. It involved two trips to Houston and the workshop program lasted for a whole month of October 2019. We conducted over 35 customer discovery interviews with oncologists, pharm industry people and hospital administrators!


09/16/2019 — Congratulations to Dipendra Bhandari for becoming a Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (CIE) Scholar! He will receive $2,000 scholarship and learn how to translate technologies to commercial applications through a course and practices.


04/20/2019 — Congratulations to Dipendra Bhandari who won the Best Graduate Oral Presentation in the recent 64th Annual Pentasectional Meeting of ACS, on April 13, 2019 in Norman, OK. His presentation was "Molecular Dynamics Study of Protein Mortalin and Anti-Cancer Compounds Flex-Hets".


04/16/2018 — Congratulations to Gil Repa on his reception of a Wentz Research Grant.


04/02/2018 — Dr. Zhou received the 2018 President's Fellows Faculty Research Award to study the structure of protein mortalin in complex with cancer drug SHetA2. This study is expected to provide accurate information for structure-guided design of compounds with the best cancer inhibition power and the least toxicity. Dr. Zhou was one of the three faculty honored at the 2018 Researcher's Reception on March 28.


02/28/2018 — Congrats to Gil Repa who won the second place in the 3-Minute Thesis Competition for undergraduate students on last Friday, Feb. 23. He was invited to present again at an OSU Heritage Foundation Celebration fundraising event on April 14.


06/15/2015 — Congrats Drs. Lian Duan, Penghui Lin, and Amanda Taylor on their successful thesis defense.


09/09/2014 — Dr. Zhou received Junior Faculty Award for Scholarly Excellence from the College of Arts and Sciences.


08/01/2012 — We and our collaborator Dr. Brenda Smith in Nutritional Sciences received funding from the College of Human Health, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Department of Physics to conduct interdisciplinary research on biochemical and microstructural changes of bone caused by type 2 diabetes.


05/15/2012Our OCAST Health proposal is funded to study structure of membrane fusion protein syntaxin.


03/19/2012 — Dr. Rui Zhang of Northeastern State University received funding from INBRE for our collaborative project to study how HIV capsid formation and budding are impacted by membrane mechanical properties.


09/28/2011 — Donghua gave an invited seminar at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK.


05/26/2011 — Our NIH R15 proposal was funded to study lipid storage proteins.


11/10/2010 — Donghua gave an invited seminar at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ.


09/2010 — Up Close with Estela Arrese, our collaborator, by Findings, NIGMS, NIH.


06/28/2010 — We moved to the new Henry Bellmon Research Center, a $70M facility designed to promote interdisciplinary researches with focus on Biophysics, Biodiversity, Advanced Materials, and Photonics.


06/22/2010 — Our OCAST proposal was funded. This project studies lipid storage proteins, in collaboration with Drs. Jose Soulages and Estela Arrese in Biochemistry.


05/27/2010Donghua gave an invited seminar at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL), Tallahassee, FL.


05/12/2010 — Liying gave a talk at Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference, Membrane Proteins: Structure & Function, Suzhou, China.


04/10/2010 — Donghua was invited to speak at the 55th Annual Oklahoma American Chemical Socienty Pentasectional Meeting, Norman, OK. 


03/30/2009 — Donghua gave a talk at the 50th Experimental NMR Conference (ENC), Pacific Grove, CA.


04/18/2009 — Donghua gave a talk at the 54th Annual Oklahoma American Chemical Socienty Pentasectional Meeting, Tulsa, OK.