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Metamaterials for Nonlinear Coupling and Decoupling of Opto- Electronic and Mechanical Systems

The goal of this project is to investigate interactions between light and matter that produces non-linear exchange of energy. In some
cases, we want this coupling and in other cases we don't. Consequently, this project has two foci. The first is solar sails, where a solar sail is similar to a wind sail but catches and reflects light rather than wind because in a solar sail, light that is absorbed isn't reflected, therefore we don't have momentum transferred to the solar sail, which results in diminished propulsion. So, here we want to minimize non-linear interactions that result in the absorption of light. The second area examines the interaction of terahertz (THz) radiation (infrared range of the light spectrum) and matter. In this case, we want non-linear interactions between light and matter so that we can transfer energy between the THz light and the electrons in the material, which is critical to the next generation of


  • Funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-21-1-0456)
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