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Dr. Liu's Lab

Ultracold Quantum Gases Group

This is an experimental Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) physics group, a part of a multidisciplinary program in Photonics at OSU. Our research group has a sodium spinor Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) lab and a rubidium BEC lab.

Join Our Lab

We welcome motivated students and postdocs in physics, photonics and applied physics. There are one postdoc and two graduate research assistant (GRA) positions available. Please send your inquiry to Dr. Liu directly.


We gratefully acknowledge financial support from:

  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • Army Research Office
  • Oklahoma Center for the Advancment of Science and Technology
  • The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
  • Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU)
  • Oklahoma State University