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Arts and Sciences

Research Team

Below, you'll find some information about our research team for anyone interested in joining our lab: where we're from, what we’re passionate about, and what we enjoy doing in our free time. Hopefully this gives you an idea of the kind of group we are!

Julius de Rojas Picture

Julius de Rojas, PhD

Assistant Professor

I grew up in La Mirada, California, a suburb about 20 miles southeast of Los Angeles. I earned my BS in Physics from UCLA and completed my PhD in Physics at UC Davis. Afterward, I held two postdoctoral positions overseas — first at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in Spain, then at Durham University in England. Since the fall of 2023, I have been building the Adaptive Magnetic Metamaterials Lab at Oklahoma State University.


As one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines — and one of the oldest fields of human inquiry, period — physics provides a unique lens for understanding physical phenomena. My role as a physicist is to explore and explain these phenomena, deepen our understanding of the physical world, and investigate ways to control and manipulate them — often with potential applications in engineering. That said, I've always liked understanding how and why things happen, and in turn seeing how this knowledge can be used to make the world a better place. Science is one way to do this, but I've always loved journalism, literature, history, art, engineering, sociology – any piece of work that tries to get at the heart of something and pass it along to society is interesting to me. If I'm being honest, I think over time I gravitated towards physics because I realized I liked playing with lasers and abstract mathematics.


Besides physics, I love reading, playing basketball or soccer, traveling, going on hikes, hunting down the best food in Oklahoma (especially BBQ), and spending time with my favorite person in the world, Rachel Houtz

Mehran PictureMehran Yasir

Ph.D. Student

I am originally from Kohat, Pakistan, near the northern areas—a region renowned for its stunning green landscapes, mountainous terrain, and vibrant tourism. I completed my BS in Physics at Kohat University of Science and Technology (KUST) in 2022. I then jumped into my graduate studies at OSU in Fall 2023.


In my free time, I enjoy playing cricket, taking long walks, and watching travel documentaries. I also love cooking and often host friends for weekend gatherings filled with good food and lively conversations.

Kamal PictureKamal Khanal

Ph.D. Student

I grew up in Dechuli-14, Nawalpur, Nepal, approximately 100 miles from the capital city, Kathmandu. I completed my B.S. in Physics at Birendra Multiple Campus in Nepal, followed by an M.S. in Physics from Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu, where my research focused on the electronic and magnetic properties of 2D materials using first-principles calculations.


In Fall 2022, I joined the University of New Hampshire (UNH) Physics Department as a graduate student, where my research concentrated on polar metals. In Summer 2024, I transferred to Oklahoma State University as a Ph.D. student.


Outside of physics and research, I enjoy playing cricket and badminton in my free time.

Batuel PictureBatuel Naba

Ph.D. Student

I grew up in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and studied at Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU). My research interest is on experimental condensed matter physics.


Aside from my studies, my hobbies include reading history books, playing soccer, chess, and guitar.