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Sam Begg headshot


Samuel Begg, Post-Doc Student

I am a condensed matter physicist primarily studying non-equilibrium quantum many-body physics. My interests are in understanding exotic phases of matter and emergent behavior in these systems. I am particularly intrigued by fundamental aspects of these phenomena, and their possible realization in cold atom or trapped ion systems, amongst other experimental platforms. Tangential to this, I am keen to explore the implications of this research for future quantum technology. This often involves using a variety of numerical techniques to approximate the effect of quantum fluctuations and entanglement. I previously held a post-doc position at the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP), working with Ryo Hanai, and did my Ph.D. at King’s College London under Joe Bhaseen and Andrew Green.


I am currently working on or am interested a variety of problems:

  • Anomalous relaxation in spinor condensates due to quantum many-body scar states
  • Developing a correspondence between non-reciprocal quantum systems and curved space physics, with a view towards analogue quantum simulation of curved spacetimes, building on recent work that has considered the correspondence for non-Hermitian models.
  • Following on from work coming out of my Ph.D., see SEB, Bhaseen, Green, PRR 5, 043288 (2023), I am interested in developing exact phase space or quantum Monte Carlo approaches for quantum dynamics. This is primarily motivated by the lack of approaches for higher dimensional systems and dissipative systems, where tensor network techniques are typically less successful.
  • I have recently become interested in quantum sensing with driven quantum systems, and plan to consider this further.
  • With students, I am considering the effect of phase dynamics and solitons on bistability in dissipative superfluid Josephson junction arrays (tangential to my recent work PRL 132 (10), 103402), and also squeezing in bilayer spin models.
  • Google Scholar Page
  • Arxiv Author Page


Arman Doha headshot


Arman Duha, Ph.D. Student

I am an AMO and condensed matter theorist, broadly interested in quantum many-body physics and quantum simulation, out-of-equilibrium phases and phenomena in presence of (long-range) interactions, generation of many-body entanglement, quantum transport and topological insulators.


My aim is to take advantage of the novel experimental capabilities and apply a combination of numerical and analytical tools to open up practical new avenues based on state-of-the-art experiments for the application and exploration of fundamental physics. In particular, I am interested in ultra-cold atomic and molecular setups for quantum simulation, information and metrology as well as in topological materials for topological quantum computing.