Classroom Presentation
If you’re an instructor and would like a Writing Center tutor to present in your classroom, please fill out this form and include your name, classroom, time and date that you would like the presentation, and the number of students in your class. We will email you a confirmation once we have a tutor assigned to present to your class. These presentations last 10-15 minutes, and the instructor must remain present during the presentation.
The Writing Center run multiple different workshops, and we are always looking into developing more depending on the interests of our tutors and of our community. Reach out to us if you have an idea for a workshop that you're interested in collaborating with us on! Here are the workshops we currently run regularly each semester:
Abstract Writing Workshop: 1 hour
The purpose of this workshop is to help graduate students understand both the use and importance of abstract writing and to walk away feeling confident in their ability to write one. There is an "Abstract Writing" contest linked to this workshop that is available only for registered participants.
Writing For A Public Audience: 1 hour
This workshop will focus on written communication and emphasize the importance of writing about research—often heavy with technical terminology—for a general audience for the purpose of presentation. There is a "Writing For a Public Audience" contest linked to this workshop that is available for registered participants.
Literature Review Workshop: 1 hour
This workshop focuses on the What, Why, and How to write literature reviews so graduate students can feel confident in their ability to navigate and write one for their own research.