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Land Grant Mission

Oklahoma State University is a land-grant university. Land-grant universities were started from the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890, where federal land was given to build universities in more rural areas in order to make education more accessible, and included more practical majors such as agriculture. The three primary values of land-grant institutions are research, instruction, and outreach/extension. At the Oklahoma State University Writing Center, we embrace all three components of the land-grant mission.


Instruction occurs in our sessions as both the tutor and writer work together and learn from each other in our table sessions. We also lead several workshops each semester on various topics, from writing an abstract to how to organize and get started on a senior thesis. In addition to workshops that support writing instruction in and outside of the classroom, we also provide instruction in writing retreats and writing fellows programs. These events support writing for undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and staff.


Research is another important component of the Writing Center. One of the ways our tutors are actively involved in research is through inquiry groups, which are tutor-driven groups that meet to research and discuss different topics that relate to the Writing Center, such as working with writers in STEM fields, multilingual writers, and antiracism. Our tutors present their research at conferences and publish their work.


Outreach/extension is an essential component of land-grant institutions, and the Writing Center embraces that extension and sees it as an integral part of our social justice mission. The Writing Center has several community engagement projects in the Stillwater community, where we get the opportunity to partner and work with community members of all ages.

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