NGWA University
Building a Pipeline
to Groundwater Careers
The Issues We FaceGroundwater provides 98% of accessible drinking water, yet there is a gap in qualified workers to access this precious resource.
need filled as early as 2029
from drilling industry wells
rely on the groundwater industry for drinking water
life expectancy from clean water
NGWA University
Register for Training
Awesome Aquifer 360
STEM Lessons for K-12
NGWAU Research
Managed Aquifer Recharge
Don’t Take Clean Water for Granted
Oklahoma State University, in collaboration with the Groundwater Foundation, has launched a national campaign to bring awareness to groundwater access, education and industry training. It brings to light both the vitality of clean water and how populations often take it for granted. To learn more about groundwater, view the PSA at right and go to our website.
Contact Us
Do you want to contribute to NGWA University Powered By OSU? Do you have ideas for how we can address the critical shortage of geoscience workers? Contact us today to discuss the program.