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Arts and Sciences

OSU Jazz Audition Repertoire

To schedule an audition, please visit our audition information page.

Jazz Audition Requirements

Undergraduate Students on Jazz Winds, Jazz Piano, Jazz Guitar, or Jazz Bass (double bass or electric)

  • Play any standard jazz song, from memory, along with iRealPro (melody and then improvise).
  • Play a jazz solo transcription (preferably one you have transcribed yourself) or play an All-State jazz etude
  • You will also be asked to sight-read.
  • Knowledge of all major scales is highly encouraged.

Graduate Students on Jazz Winds, Jazz Piano, Jazz Guitar, or Jazz Bass (double bass or electric)

  • Play any standard jazz song along with iRealPro (melody and then improvise).
  • Play a jazz solo transcription that you transcribed yourself.
  • You will also be asked to sight-read.

Undergraduate Students on Jazz Drums

  • Play 32 bars of various styles: 4/4 swing, bossa nova, rock.
  • Knowledge of Cuban Jazz drumming styles is also highly encouraged.
  • You may also be asked to sight-read.

Graduate Students on Jazz Drums

  • Play 32 bars of various styles: 4/4 swing with sticks and brushes, 3/4 swing waltz, bossa nova, rock/funk, 2-3 & 3-2 Son, Afro Cuban 6/8
  • Play a jazz solo transcription that you transcribed yourself
  • You will also be asked to sight-read.