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Dr. Elshahed's Lab

We are an environmental microbiology group with broad research interests. Our laboratory is located in the Venture I building, an Oklahoma State University research facility that aims at fostering interdisciplinary research within the university scientific community.


Our lab is active on multiple research fronts, spanning all three domains of life. Currently, our work is focused on two main research areas: Environmental genomics of novel yet-uncultured microbial phyla, and diversity, metabolism, genomics, and biotechnological potential of the anaerobic gut fungi.

Classes Taught


  • Advanced Microbiology (MICR3223). Fall semesters
  • Molecular Microbial Ecology (MICR 6213). Spring semesters, biennial


  • Seminar (MICR5160)
  • Recent Adv. in Microbiology(MICR6120
  • Introduction to Microbiology (MICR2123)

Graduate/Undergraduate Research:

  • Special Problems/Independent Research (MICR 4990) 
  • Thesis (MICR 5000)
  • Dissertation (MICR 6000) 
  • Special Problems (MICR 5990)