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M.S. and Ph.D. Programs

Mentorship. Collaboration. Support.
Graduate students are immersed in a supportive community while developing and honing mathematical capabilities with the direction of renowned faculty.

Programs and Specializations

Pure Mathematics, M.S.

This option emphasizes course work in core areas of mathematics and gives excellent preparation for future study in a doctoral program.

Mathematics Education, M.S.

This option emphasizes scope in mathematics and broad teaching experience.

Computational and Applied Mathematics, M.S.

This option requires greater breadth within the mathematical sciences and provides experiences in solving actual industrial problems in the course Case Studies in Applied Mathematics.

Pure Mathematics, Ph.D.

Designed to prepare students for careers in university research.

Mathematics Education, Ph.D.

An option designed to provide excellent training for research in areas related to mathematics teaching and learning at the university level.

Applied Mathematics, Ph.D.

Designed to prepare students for careers in university research and instruction or industrial research, emphasizing research in industry.

OpportunitiesOur graduate program has resources in place to help you to succeed by connecting within the department and discipline, as well as helping as recognizing your achievements with awards.


Events sponsored by the Math Graduate Student Society encourage growth in the field as well as social company.

  • Ran by OSU math graduate students
  • Monthly research talks by graduate students
  • Provides a sense of community and academic support
MGSS Campuslink Page


Each spring our Annual Student Recognition Ceremony provides the special opportunity to acknowledge the achievements of our students.

  • Awards available to recognize students from any specialization
  • Recognition for teaching excellence and academic performance
  • Opportunity to be recognized multiple times throughout graduate study
Award Listings and Past Recipients

Departmental Memberships

Available to any current graduate students, our memberships allow you to join professional associations without any cost

  • Mathematical Association of America
  • American Mathematical Society
  • Association for Women in Mathematics
Include your full name, OSU email address, and year of graduation to join