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Arts and Sciences

TI-83 Calculator Checkout

Here to help you succeed, the department checks out calculators for free, semester use to students enrolled in a MATH, STAT, NOC-MATH, or NOC-STAT course.

Requirements for Checkout

To checkout a calculator, please bring:

  • OSU student ID
  • Copy of your student schedule, if enrolled in an NOC-MATH or NOC-STAT course

Returning a Calculator

Calculators are due back the Monday after finals of the semester that it is checked out.

Upon receipt the calculator will be checked for damage and cover. Any damage charges will be applied to the bursar account of the person that checked out the calculator. After hours return is not available.

Late and Damage Fees

  • Missing or Lost Calculator  $100
  • Missing or Lost Cover  $25
  • Damage to screen or buttons  $75
  • Late Fee  $5/day
  • Total charged to bursar if late and not returned  $150