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Arts and Sciences

Prospective Student Days

January 29, 2025

February 12, 2025

The Department of Theatre at OSU, welcomes students to our reimagined Prospective Student Scholarship Days! Students can learn more about our programs, meet faculty, audition for program scholarships, and sit in on classes with current students.


Students only need to attend one of the days and can reserve their spot by completing the Theatre Student Interest Form


What should I expect?

Some parts of the day may vary depending on class schedules, but the basic outline of the day will look like this:


1:00 - Check in and Meet & Greet with the Theatre Faculty in the Lobby of the Vivia Nail Locke Theatre in the Seretean Center for the Performing Arts building.


1:10 pm - Welcome and information session about OSU Theatre.

1:30 pm - Students visit course and labs to see classes in action.

2:30 pm - Tour of theatre facilities led by current OSU students and student Q&A session.

3:15 pm - Meeting with faculty members to discuss specific degree tracks.

4:00 pm - Interviews and/or Auditions for program scholarships.


Additional programming may include a campus tour or sitting in on a department rehearsal.

Please note:

  • Students must have applied and been accepted for admission to OSU in order to receive a scholarship offer.
  • If students receive and accepts a scholarship offer, they must declare a Theatre major and enroll in courses suitable for their year of entry into the program.
  • The Department of Theatre does not award scholarships to non-majors or minors.
  • The Department of Theatre does award scholarships to students intending to double major. However, the student must declare Theatre as their primary major.


Department of Theatre
122 Seretean Center for the Performing Arts Stillwater,

Interested in a BFA in Acting or Musical Theatre?

Visit the BFA Degrees page for audition information. Check it out here