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Support the Department

The faculty and students of the Department of Theatre are indebted to our generous donors and supporters. However, our needs continue to outpace our ability to meet them. Will you consider becoming a supporter by donating via the Link? All donations are accepted through the OSU Foundation and are tax-deductible. Donors who meet the giving levels listed below will be mentioned, with permission, in all of our Main Stage programs.


The Theatre Excellence Fund exists to support the department in many aspects, including providing student scholarships and stipends for guest artists, purchasing or replacing invaluable equipment, financing recruiting events, defraying costs of faculty professional development and more.


*Instructions on donations to the Theatre Excellence Fund is as follows: click on the link above or on the right side of the page. Arrive at the Foundation's ways to giving page, click on online gift button, click on discover more orange passion button, search for Theatre. Select the Theatre Excellence Fund or perhaps another option you prefer. 

Giving Levels

Friends of the Theatre — $50 - $99

Theatre Associates — $100 - $249

Supporting Player — $250 - $499

Lead Player — $500 - $999

Producer — $1,000 - $2,499

Executive Producer* — $2,500 or more

*At the Executive Producer Level: If you have a business, we are happy to extend to you a black and white, quarter-page advertisement in all of the production programs! Contact the Theatre Department 405-744-6094 for more information about this opportunity.

On behalf of all students and faculty in the OSU Department of Theatre, THANK YOU!


You can also support us by advertising your business in our Main Stage programs. Opportunities are currently available to fully sponsor a Main Stage show. Contact us for more information or call 405-744-6094. Thank you for your generous consideration!