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Dr. Jason Lavery

Regents Professor

114 SSH

Early Modern Europe, Germany, Scandinavia



Dr. Lavery's scholarship has focused on the religious and political history of early modern Germany and Scandinavia/the Nordic region. His current major research effort is a book project on the "Reformation in Finland 1560-1611". He has published three books: "Reforming Finland: The Diocese of Turku in the Age of Gustav Vasa" (2017), "The History of Finland" (2006), and "Germany’s Northern Challenge: The Holy Roman Empire and the Scandinavian Struggle for the Baltic 1563-1576" (2002).


Dr. Lavery is a permanent adjunct professor (docent) at Helsinki University. During the years 2009-2011, he served as president for the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study. He also maintains a webpage concerning his work in the history of Finland.


Courses  Taught

3113 - Germany since 1815

3253 - Absolutism and Enlightenment

3493 - Scandinavia since 1500

3980 - Studies in History

4980 - Topics in History

5000 - Thesis

5023 - Historical Methods

6000 - Dissertation

6100 - Directed Readings in History

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