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Department of Computer Science

Mission, Objectives and Outcomes

The Department of Computer Science takes pride in providing a safe, diverse, and inclusive learning environment that facilitates close interaction with faculty with the goal to ensure the success of every student.

Rubrics for Student Outcome Assessment

Student Outcomes

1 Analyze a complex computing problem and apply principles of computing and other relevant discipline to identify solutions.
2 Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program's discipline.
3 Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
4 Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practices based on legal and ethical principles.
5 Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program's discipline.
6 Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.

Student Outcome Assessment Process

  1. Collect Assessment data:
    1. Indicator rubrics from core courses CS 3353 Data Structures and Algorithms I, CS 4323 Operating Systems I, and CS 4883 Social Issues in Computing.
    2. Exit survey of graduating seniors.
  2. Summarize data and present to ABET committee for review.
  3. ABET committee makes recommendations to the faculty.
  4. The faculty adopts or changes the recommendation.
  5. Recommended actions are implemented during that semester.


Assessment cycle

outcome assessment cycle



Outcome Indicators

Outcomes Indicators
  • Abstraction of complex problems into formal models allowing for algorithmic solutions
  • Knowledge of adequate algorithmic strategies for solution development and implementation
  • Mapping formal specifications of problems into algorithmic solutions
  • Designs a programmable solution for a problem
  • Implements an executable solution
  • Validates the implementation relative to requirements
  • Demonstrates effective written communication skills in the context of discussion topics
  • Effectively presents concepts in oral presentation
  • Demonstrates knowledge of ethical, legal and social implications of computing
  • Demonstrates understating of the impact of computing practices in society at large
  • Demonstrates awareness of the significance of privacy and security in data management
  • Attendance and participation in team meetings
  • Contributes to overall group work product
  • Demonstrates leadership and teamwork skills
  • Working knowledge of programming languages and software development fundamentals
  • Knowledge of fundamental data structures and algorithm
  • Knowledge of asymptotic notions and notations, and best-expected and worst-case analysis of algorithms