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New Student Orientation

Welcome to AFROTC Detachment 670!

Congratulations on your interest in pursuing a rewarding career in service to your country in the world’s greatest air force and space force! You are about to embark on a journey that will open many doors and develop skills needed to lead airmen and guardians for our nation.

Below are instructions about how to in-process online (required), as well as an invitation to our New Student Orientation Program (NSOP) the week of August 12th, 2024.


***IMPORTANT*** If you received an AFROTC scholarship in high school (HSSP) or were contracted right out of high school, you will receive different instructions via email for an orientation on August 15th.

To Do Immediately

  • First, enroll in AERO 1111; ensure you have access to Canvas.
  • Reference the WINGS In-Processing Guide to complete in-processing PART I (steps 1-14) no later than August 12th.
  • Schedule a sports physical with your doctor. You will need to bring a Form 28—AFROTC Sports Physical to your appointment for your doctor to complete. This is required before you can participate in physical training. 
    • Important: The AFROTC Sports Physical PDF form should be downloaded to your computer and viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader or another similar full-featured PDF reader to print.

ROTC Cadets in the middle of a football field with Go Pokes signs

New Student Orientation

  • What: AFROTC New Student Orientation
  • When: August 13th OR 14th, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
  • Where: Thatcher Hall

Map to Thatcher Hall


We understand that you will all be busy getting settled into your living areas the week before classes start, therefore, our orientation will be available on two days:


Tuesday, August 13, 2024, and Wednesday, August 14, 2024 from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Come to only ONE of those offerings.


Orientation is a great opportunity for you to meet your classmates, get to know detachment leadership, complete required application paperwork, and ask any further questions about AFROTC. This is a voluntary event; however, your attendance is highly encouraged to make sure you have all of your requirements taken care of before classes begin!


Check-in for Detachment 670 will start at 8:45 a.m. in 320 Thatcher Hall, and continue in the Classroom Building. If there is a change to this information, it will be announced on the AERO 1111 Canvas page no later than August 12th. More detailed information for the day will also be available in Canvas. Please review the list below of required documents that you need to bring with you. All documents (birth certificate, SSN card, etc.) must be the originals; we’ll make copies and the originals will be returned to you!


Update: We will be hosting a quick NSOP pre-brief on August 1st at 4PM(CST). It is optional, it does not count as NSOP itself, but allows you a chance to talk real time with us and make sure you have everything ready to go. Zoom link below!


Orientation Required Documentation

      • AFROTC Form 28– Sports Physical (Blank form attached to this email): Schedule a sports physical with your doctor. You will need to print and bring a Form 28—AFROTC Sports Physicalto your appointment for your doctor to complete. This is required before you can participate in physical training. If you need to complete this in Stillwater, the Stillwater Medical Center Urgent Care Clinic can perform a walk-in sports physical for $25. 
      • Create WINGS account: Reference the WINGS In-Processing Guide attached to this emailto complete in-processing PART I (steps 1-14) no later than August 12th. (Write down your password and keep it somewhere you’ll remember! You’ll need it whenever you log onto WINGS!!! Write down the answer to your security question as well!!)
      • Birth Certificate / Naturalization Certificate / U.S passport (that identifies member as a U.S. citizen) (must be original document)
      • Social Security Card (Signed) (must be original document)
      • Selective Service Registration (males only)
      • HS/College Transcripts (as applicable)
      • Civil Involvements: Any past traffic tickets, citations, arrests or other law enforcement actions must be reported. You will need to bring documentation of citations, arrests, etc. along with a receipt showing the fine is paid-in-full (as applicable). Start on this immediately. You may need to request some of these records through the mail if you do not have a copy.
      • ACT/SAT score records
      • Prior military service documentation (DD214, Guard/Reserve DD4 contract, etc.) (as applicable)
      • CAP or JROTC certificates (as applicable)
      • DD Form 785, Record of Disenrollment from Officer candidate-Type Training (as applicable)
      • Tattoo Form (attached to this email): You will need to report and describe any tattoos you currently have. The reason for this requirement is to ensure any tattoos do not show affiliation with any violent or criminal organizations. (as applicable)
      • Bring personal laptop

The dress code for this event is business casual clothing, suitable for a professional environment (i.e., no cut-off shorts, no ripped jeans, no low-cut tops, no excessively tight clothing, nothing derogatory in nature and nothing that exposes undergarments).


Welcome to AFROTC at Detachment 670! We look forward to meeting you!
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