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Find your path...

Students who engage in undergraduate research often find invaluable experience that assists them in choosing a career path, improving their likelihood of success in the workforce, and in applying for graduate school. Students are always encouraged to submit their original work to a variety of undergraduate journals and conference presentations as a means of engaging with, and contributing to, the field of sociological research.


We also encourage undergraduates to reach out to faculty members within their research interest areas to seek mentoring. Our Sociology advisor can also provide further resources and contacts.

AACS Client Problem Solving Competition

Emphasizing the value of undergraduate research, each year the department sends a team of undergraduates with a department sponsor to the Association for Applied & Clinical Sociology (AACS) conference hosted in various U.S. cities annually. At the conference, students take part in a competition where using the applied skills they learn in sociology, as well as research and insights they gather from sociologists and practitioners in attendance, to solve a problem faced by a local agency.


This opportunity gives the students a chance to apply what they've learned in the classroom to a real world problem, experience in teamwork and time management, and serves as a valuable networking and conference opportunity for the next generation of practicing social scientists. In the past, the student team has taken home several awards, including the first place prize in 2019. We encourage those who'd like to take part in this opportunity to express interest to our undergraduate advisor.

Haley Smith Headshot

"after going to presentations and speaking with experts in the area we determined the best way we could tackle this issue was by emphasizing the importance of building communities for people who are often very detached from the society around them. It was great to represent OSU so far from home and I felt very fortunate to be part of such a fantastic team."

- Haley Smith
2019 CPSC Team Member


Funding Opportunities