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 Internal Grant Programs

Available to tenure-track and career-track faculty.

  • Arts and Sciences Research (ASR) Grant Program and +1 Supplement

    One summer month of faculty salary (and benefits) or $10,000 seed grant to support research and creative scholarly activities.   

    Timeline Dates
    Announced Early December
    Proposals Due Mid-late January
    Awards Announced March
    Funding Period July 1 - August 31
    Deliverable Due October 15

    *Faculty are eligible to receive ASR funds once very 4 years. Faculty are ineligible if they will receive 2 or more months of summer support from another source during the year of the award. Faculty salary is not an eligible expense for the seed grant option, and proposed seed grant projects should not overlap significantly, either intellectually or financially, with active or completed funded research projects. Standard conference travel is not eligible for support 


    +1 Supplement (ASR+1) 

    Up to $1,000 for research-related travel to support an ASR summer salary grant. Funds may be used to visit archives, collections, research facilities or sites, meet with research collaborators, visit program managers when trying to secure extramural funding for research projects, or participate in a workshop, exhibition, or performance. 


    Timeline Dates
    Funding Period July 1 - June 30
    Deliverable Due August 15

    This is a supplement to the ASR summer salary option. You cannot apply only for travel funding. Standard conference travel is not eligible for support.   

  • Community Engagement Grant Program 

    Up to $2,500 for community engaged research/scholarly activities. Examples of possible projects include implementation of a community engaged learning course, series of seminars/workshops or other outreach events, creation of a digital archive or podcast, community problem solving or focus groups, service learning, and development of mentorship programs. Additional funding has been allocated to support community engaged activities that focus on access and community impact.  

    Timeline Dates
    Announced Mid-March
    Proposals Due Mid-April
    Awards Announced Early May
    Funding Period July 1 - June 30


  • Proposal Review Program 

    Provides faculty with feedback on their grant proposals prior to submission to an external funding agency by providing $500 honoraria to external reviewers. 


    No specific deadlines, except applications must be submitted a minimum of 30 calendar days prior to funding agency’s submission deadline. 

  • Subvention Funding Program 

    Up $3,000 to assist in the publication of peer-reviewed scholarly books by university and other scholarly presses, with priority given to highly selective and prestigious presses. 


    No specific deadlines, except requests must be submitted and approved before the final manuscript goes to press. 

  • Travel Grant Program 

    Up to $1,200 for research-related travel. Funds may be used to visit archives, collections, research facilities, or research sites, meet with research collaborators, visit program managers when trying to secure extramural funding for research projects, attend a conference when making a professional presentation, or participate in a workshop, exhibition, or performance. Funds can be requested to support one trip or conference.  

    Timeline Spring Fall
    Announced Early September Early February
    Proposals Due Early October Early March
    Awards Announced December April
    Funding Period Jan 1 - June 30 July 1 - Dec 31
    Deliverable Due August 15 February 15

    Faculty may only receive one travel grant per fiscal year.  

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