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Research Resources for CAS Faculty 


Supported Opportunities 

The Conversation 

The Conversation publishes articles (600 - 1,000 words) based on scholarship and research (not opinion). Faculty can respond to an “Expert Request” (distributed via email to Department Heads) or “pitch” their own ideas.


Tips on how to write for The Conversation (.pdf)


Articles with Oklahoma State University authors


Experts Directory 

Supports faculty research by compiling current information about scholarly activities across Oklahoma State University from internal and external sources and from faculty updates to their profiles. For more information and instructions on setting up your Expert's page, go to the Experts Directory information on the Edmon Low Library website.


Humanities, Arts and Design Program 

The Office of the Vice President for Research provides grants up to $10,000 for research projects in Humanities-, Arts- and Design-based disciplines. Proposals are due near the end of the fall semester. For more information, go to the Faculty Resources web page.


President’s Fellows Faculty Research Award 

This program supports faculty by equipping them to conduct groundbreaking research through $20,000 awards. Eligible faculty must be tenured and within five years of their date of tenure.


President’s Fellows Leadership Initiative  

Provides funding for faculty to participate in leadership development opportunities that align with President’s focus on the three R’s – Reputation, Research and Retention. Recipients attend highly visible and nationally prestigious external leadership development programs. Nominations can be submitted twice a year (usually August and February). Please note that OSU nominees for the Higher Education Resource Services (HERS) Leadership Training for Women in Higher Education program are typically selected in the fall.  Go to the The HERS Leadership Institute for more information.


Open Access Agreements through the OSU Library 

OSU participates in agreements which allow OSU authors (must typically be the corresponding author) to publish their articles open access without the need to pay an article processing charge. Go to the Open Access Agreements page for more information.

Mentoring Research Trainees

The Center for Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research

Resource page for mentoring undergraduate researchers


Arts and Humanities 

Workshop Recording - Engaging Undergraduates in Research

Slide Deck - Engaging Undergraduates in Research



Raising a Resilient Scientist - NIH Training Series


Supported Memberships