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Arts and Sciences

Usao Onoshima

Born: March 26th, 1894 in Ogo village, Mago county, Yamaguchi prefecture
Died: January 24th, 1941 in Beijing, China


  • Doctor of Literature (1930) Tokyo Imperial University—His academic dissertation was “Über Richtungs-und Angleichungskontrast in einen Verband von zwei Tonschritten.”
  • B.A. (1919) Department of Philosphy, College of Letters, Tokyo Imperial University (Major psychology)—His academic dissertation was “Shinteki zainou soukan ni oyobosu syojyoken no kenkyu (Research of each conditions affecting interrelation of psychological ability)”


  • Worked at Ministry of Education and Mito high school
  • 1921 Professor at Mito high school
  • 1923-1926 Went to Germany as the abroad researcher for Ministry of Education and entered Berlin University (now Humboldt University) to study Gestalt psychology
  • 1929 Professor at Tokyo higher normal school
  • 1929 Instructor at Tokyo Bunrika University (Tokyo Science and Literature University)
  • 1937 Supervisor at Ministry of Education
  • 1938 Chief of educational research
  • 1939 Visited Manshu country and China 


  • He contributed to introduce Gestalt psychology. He made his efforts to construct the psychological system on Gestalt psychology.
  • Noting the lack of psychological education, practices and interest in experiments, he tried to improve Japanese psychology. 


  • Gestalt psychology
  • Personal psychology 


  • Hiroshi Oizumi (2003). Nihonshinrigakusha-jiten. Tokyo: Kabushiki Kaisha Kress Shuppan.
  • Nihon no shinrigaku kanko iinkai. (1982).Nihon no shinrigaku. Tokyo: Nihon bunka kagaku sha.