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Arts and Sciences

Hiroshi Minami

Born: July 23, 1914 in Tokyo
Died: December 17, 2001


  • Doctor of Literature (1962) Kyoto University—His academic dissertation was “Taikeiteki syakai shinrigaku (Systematical Social Psychology)”
  • Ph.D. (1943) Cornell University
  • Graduated Department of Philosophy, College of Literature, Kyoto Imperial University (1940)—His dissertation was “Shi-kukan no seiritu ni kansuru jikken-teki kenkyu (Experimental research on visuospatial forming)”
  • Left the medical school at Tokyo Imperial University


  • 1943 Went to America, doubled as an office bearer and instructor at Cornell University
  • 1947 Returned to Japan; doubled as an instructor at preparatory course of Tokyo Shoka University (college of commerce) and a professor at Japan Women’s University
  • 1948 Founded Dento Gejyutu no Kai (Association of Traditional Arts)
  • 1948 Chief of Social Psychology Laboratory
  • 1950 Associate professor of sociology at Hitotsubashi University
  • 1958 Professor of sociology at Hitotsubashi University
  • 1978 Retired from Hitotsubashi University and became a professor at Seijo University
  • 1985 Served as a chief of the Japan Psychology Center and retired from Seijo University
  • 1986 President of Japan Journalist Academy


  • Hiroshi Minami strongly contributed to introduce and expand Social psychology in Japan, as well as Depth psychology, Physiopsychology, History of social psychology, Theory of Japanese.
  • He created the theory of desire with scientific psychology such as physiological psychology and animal psychology.
  • He attempted to rank the theory of personality with social, cultural condition, etc. In addition, he contributed to make the progress of mass communication and pop culture study. The contribution changed Japanese ideas about mass communication. 


  • 2000 Honorary professor of Hitotsubashi University
  • 2000 Honorary professor at Public of China University
  • 2000 Honorary professor at Rnmin University of China
  • 2000 Honorary professor at Institute of Psychology, CAS
  • 1997 President of Dento Gejyutu no Kai (Association of Traditional Arts)
  • 1986 Honorary professor at the Japanese Psychonomic Society
  • 1986 Honorary member at Japanese Psychological Association
  • 1949 Awarded Mainichi Bunka Award for his book “Shakaishinrigaku (Social Psychology)”


Social psychology

Depth psychology


History of social psychology

Theory of Japanese


  • Hiroshi Oizumi (2003). Nihonshinrigakusha-jiten. Tokyo: Kabushiki Kaisha Kress Shuppan.
  • Minami Hiroshi shi to Syakai shinrigaku(Jyo)
  • Minami hiroshi shi to Syakai Shinrigaku (Ge).