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Sugi Mibai

Born: April 9th, 1891 in Tsushi village, Tsuna county, Hyogo prefecture
Died: May 25th, 1969


  • Ph.D (1930) University of Michigan
  • M.A. (1921) Graduate school, University of Michigan—Her academic dissertation was “Reading and retention”
  • B.A. (1919) Milles University
  • Graduated school of English literature (1915), Kobe College
  • Graduated Baika Women’s College (1910)


  • 1915 Instructor at Kobe College
  • 1921 Instructor at Lobe College
  • 1923 Did research at the University of Michigan (for half a year)
  • 1930 Apprentice of mental health at Western Reserve University
  • 1931 Professor at Kobe college
  • 1944 Employee for a short time at Sumitomo aluminum puddling company
  • 1946 Adviser at Education Division, military government in Hyogo prefecture
  • 1948-1952 Commission at Education board in Hyogo prefecture
  • 1949 Director of Baika academe
  • 1956 Professor at Baika junior college


  • She contributed to applied psychology and the education of college women.


  • 2000 Honorary professor of Hitotsubashi University
  • 2000 Honorary professor at Public of China University
  • 2000 Honorary professor at Rnmin University of China
  • 2000 Honorary professor at Institute of Psychology, CAS
  • 1997 President of Dento Gejyutu no Kai (Association of Traditional Arts)
  • 1986 Honorary professor at the Japanese Psychonomic Society
  • 1986 Honorary member at Japanese Psychological Association
  • 1949 Awarded Mainichi Bunka Award for his book “Shakaishinrigaku (Social Psychology)”


  • Social psychology
  • Depth psychology
  • Physiopsychology
  • History of social psychology
  • Theory of Japanese


  • Hiroshi Oizumi (2003). Nihonshinrigakusha-jiten. Tokyo: Kabushiki Kaisha Kress Shuppan.