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Arts and Sciences

Ryo Kuroda

Born: January 30, 1890 in Ishiuchi village (Shiozawa city now), Uonuma county, Nigata prefecture
Died: January 5, 1947


  • Doctor of Literature (1930), Tokyo Imperial University—His academic dissertation was “Comparative psychology of sound”
  • Graduated from Department of Philosophy (1915), College of Letters, Tokyo Imperial University (Major: Psychology)—His academic dissertation was “Sozo no shinrigakuteki kenkyu (Psychological research of imagination)”


  • 1915-1920 Editorial staff of Sanseido
  • Taught in Chiba-ken Narita Koto Jogakko (Narita Higher Girl’s School in Chiba)
  • Taught in Nigata Prefectural Itoigawa Junior High School
  • 1920 Taught at Nigata High School
  • 1926 Associate professor at Department of Law and Letters, Keijo Imperial University
  • 1928 Professor at Department of Law and Letters, Keijo Imperial University
  • 1942 Retired from Keijo Imperial University
  • 1942-1947 Engaged exclusively in writing books in Kano, Gifu city, Gifu prefecture


  • He contributed animal psychology. Although he started his career as the germnamentalist, he came to be interested in the common characters between mentalism, Vijnaptimatr, and Zen Buddhism. Then he strived to understand Vijnaptimatra with psychology.
  • He also published the journal in English “Acta Psychologia Keijo” to introduce the psychological research to other countries and the journal “Psychological Abstract” to made psychological excerpts of research in Japan.


  • 1930-1939 Published “Acta Psychologia Keijo”
  • Member of editorial board in Psychological Abstracts


  • Animal psychology


  • Hiroshi Oizumi (2003). Nihonshinrigakusha-jiten. Tokyo: Kabushiki Kaisha Kress 
    Shuppan.Nihon no shinrigaku kanko iinkai. (1982).Nihon no shinrigaku. Tokyo: Nihon bunka kagaku sha.