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Arts and Sciences

Yoshihide Kubo

Born: April 22nd, 1883 in Kuma village (now Shioda village), Fujitsuna county, Saga prefecture
Died: November 12th, 1942


  • Doctor of Literature (1923) Tokyo Imperial University—His academic dissertation was “Psychology and Pedagogy of Reading”
  • Ph.D. (1915) Clark University—His academic dissertation was “Some Aspects of Recent Child Study”
  • Graduated Department of Philosophy, College of Letters, Tokyo Imperial University (Major Psychology) (1909)—His academic dissertation was “Funnu oyobi fukushu no kenkyu (Research of Anger and Revenge)”


  • 1909 Assistant for Associate Professor Tomokichi Fukurai at Tokyo Imperial University
  • 1911 School inspector at Education Division of Tokyo City
  • 1913 Visited the United States to inspect the education of the United States as part time employee after he retired the school inspector
  • 1913 Entered Clark University at Massachusetts State in the United States
  • 1915 Instructor at Clark University
  • 1916 Came back to Japan after he had resigned as an instructor at Clark University and inspected education and other universities in British, France, Russia, Sweden or Suisee
  • 1917 Part time employee as instructor at Tokyo Imperial University
  • 1917 Manager at the desk of intelligence at Child educational institute
  • 1922 Professor at Hiroshima higher normal school
  • 1929 Professor at Hiroshima Bunrika University (Hiroshima Literature and Science University)


  • Yoshihide Kubo contributed to educational psychology and child education. His idea of child education, respect for the natural development of children, influenced the school education.
  • He is the first man who standardized the Binet Intelligent Scale in Japan.
  • He founded the psychological laboratory at Hiroshima Bunrika University.
  • He made Kubo library, the collection of psychological books were published from Meiji era (1868~1912) to the primary of Showa era (1926~1989) at Hiroshima University.


  • Educational psychology
  • Child psychology
  • Standardization of intelligence test


  • Hiroshi Oizumi (2003). Nihonshinrigakusha-jiten. Tokyo: Kabushiki Kaisha Kress Shuppan.
  • Tatsuya Sato, Hazime Mizoguchi, (1997). Tsushi Nihon-no-shinrigaku. Kyoto: Kitaoji Shobo.