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Tomi Kora

Born: July 1st, 1896 in Takaoka city, Toyama prefecture
Died: January 17th, 1993


  • Ph.D (1922) Columbia University—Her academic dissertation was “An experimental study of hunger in its relation to activity” inserted in Archives of Psychology N.Y., 1922, No 57
  • M.A (1920) Columbia University
  • Graduated school of English literature (1917), Japanese Women’s University


  • 1917 Studied educational psychology in Columbia University after graduating from Japan Women’s university.
  • 1920 Researched experimental psychology in the graduate school at John Hopkins University
  • 1920 Joined Women’s international peace and freedom confederation 3rd meeting
  • 1923 Assistant in the clinical psychiatry laboratory in department of medicine, Kyushu Imperial University
  • 1927 Professor at Japan Women’s University
  • 1933 Professor and head of domestic science research laboratory at Teikoku jyoshi igaku yakugaku sennmon gakkou (Women’s medical and pharmacy imperial professional school)
  • 1939 Executive director of Japan experimental psychology association
  • 1940 Women’s delegate of Taiseiyokusankai rinji cyuo kyoryoku kaigi (Taiseiyokusankai extra central cooperative meeting) and suggested Women’s Bureau
  • 1942 Resigned Japanese Women’s University because of disagreement over industry mobilization to military arsenals
  • 1947 Member of the House of Councilors
  • 1949 Joined Ryokufu society
  • 1952 Attended Moskva international economic conference as the first Japanese visitor on Moskva after WW II, and visited China on her return trip
  • 1953 Negotiated departure of Japanese residing in China
  • 1953 Formed Nihon fujin dantai rengo kaigi (Japanese Women’s community joint association) and served as the Vice President
  • 1953 Director of International Women’s psychology association


  • She is the first person who showed the finding of physiological hunger on her academic dissertation in Columbia University and education of ideal women in Japan.
  • She also contributed China-Japan nongovernmental trade agreement.


  • 1977 Order of the Sacred Treasure
  • 1953 Vice President of Nihon fujin dantai rengo kaigi (Japanese Women’s community joint association)


  • Psychology of hunger
  • Educational psychology


  • Izumi Ogino, (1983). Haraguchi Tsuruko-Jyosei- shinrigakusya- no- senku. Nagano: Kabushiki Kaisha Ginga Shobo
  • Hiroshi Oizumi, (2003). Nihonsinrigakusha-jiten. Tokyo: Kabushiki Kaisha Kress Shuppan.
  • Nagako Sugimori (2001,October) Kora, Tomi -Mejirokara Amerika heno hisyo—Life learning and Communication Center at Japan Women’s University.
  • Michi wo hiraita Hoashi kei shi.