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Megumi Imada

Born: August 26th, 1894 in Bofu city, Yamaguchi prefecture
Died: November 25th, 1970


  • Doctor of Literature (1956) Kyoto University—His academic dissertation was “Willam James shinrigaku no seisei to sono konponshisou (Generation and fundamental ideas of William James’s Psychology)”
  • L.L.D (1950) Shreveport Centenary College
  • B.A (1922) Department of Psychology, Tokyo Imperial University—His academic dissertation was “Shikosayo to gengohyosho tono kankei (The relationship between action of thought and linguistic symbol)”


  • 1922 Professor at Kwansei Gakuin
  • 1923 Established the first psychological laboratory in private schools
  • 1929 Entered Columbia University in the U.S and University of Cambridge in the British for two years
  • 1934 The first professor of Psychology at College of Law and Letters, Kwansei Gakuin University
  • 1940 Director at College of Law and Letters, Kwansei Gakuin University
  • 1950 Director at Kwansei Gakuin
  • 1953 Introduced Japanese psychology in India and Ceylon
  • 1954 President at Kwansei Gakuin (~1960)
  • 1965 Retired Kwansei Gakuin University
  • Professor at Matsuyama Shinonome Gakuen
  • 1969 Clergyman at Kwanseigakuin church, United Church of Christ in Japan
  • 1970 Director at Shoei nursery school
  • President at Shoei Junior College


  • Megumi Imada studied history of psychology, psychology of religion, and research of William James.
  • Megumi Imada founded psychological laboratory at Kwansei Gakuin University.


  • 1966 Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star
  • 1965 Nishimiya city cultural award
  • 1965 Honorary member at Japanese Psychological Association
  • 1957 Medal with Blue Ribbon
  • 1955 Hyogo educational distinguished service merit badge
  • 1954 Member of editorial board at Journal of General Psychology
  • Honorary member of Kansai Psychological Association


  • History of Psychology
  • Research of William James 


  • Hiroshi Oizumi (2003). Nihonshinrigakusha-jiten. Tokyo: Kabushiki Kaisha Kress Shuppan.
  • Tatsuya Sato. (2003). Niho ni okeru shinrigaku no jyuyo to tenaki. Kitaoji shuppan.
  • Tatsuya Sato, Hazime Mizoguchi, (1997). Tsushi Nihon-no-shinrigaku. Kyoto: Kitaoji Shobo.