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Arts and Sciences

Isoko Hatano

Born: March 31st, 1906 in Iida town, Tokyo
Died: September 15th, 1978


  • Doctor of Literature (1956), Nihon University—Her academic dissertation was “Youji no hattatsu to katei kyouiku (The development of infants and home education)”
  • Graduated Tokyo Bunrika University (1936), school of psychology (Elective course)
  • B.A. (1927) Department of English literature, Japanese Women’s University
  • Gradated high school attached to the Japanese Women’s University


  • 1927 English Instructor of Jyoshi keizai senmon gakko (Women’s economic academic career college); decided to study psychology due to the influence of Dr. Matsumoto
  • 1928 Office bearer in Child study research center, Japan Women’s University
  • 1937 Assistant researcher of psychology research and educational advisor of Tokyo Bunrika University (Tokyo Literature and Science University) after retiring from child research center of Japan Women’s University
  • 1948-1957 Entered Graduate school of Japan Women’s University and became educational staff of Onshi financial group Aiiku society
  • 1950 Her book “Syonenki (Boyhood)” was a bestseller, with more than 300,000 sold
  • 1953 Associate professor at Toyo University
  • 1960 Established Japan child research center and was head of the center
  • 1963-1971 Professor of Kunitachi College of Music
  • 1963 Established the foundation “Haha no gakuen”(Mothers’ academe) and became the head director (the academe was later renamed Hanano family school)
  • 1964 Established social welfare corporation Japan Family Welfare Division association and became the head director


  • She contributed to the education of developmental psychology and child psychology. 


  • 1954 8th Mainichi syuppan bunka award for her book “Yoji no shinri (Child psychology)”
  • 1972 Educational performance award
  • 1976 Order of the Precious Crown, Butterfly
  • 1977 Child Welfare Work Performance Award


  • Developmental psychology
  • Child psychology


  • Hiroshi Oizumi (2003). Nihonshinrigakusha-jiten. Tokyo: Kabushiki Kaisha Kress Shuppan.
  • Izumi Ogino, (1983). Haraguchi Tsuruko-Jyosei- shinrigakusya- no- senku. Nagano: Kabushiki Kaisha Ginga Shobo.