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Arts and Sciences

Tsuruko Haraguchi

Born: June 18th, 1886 in Tomioka city, Gunma prefecture
Died: September 26th, 1915


  • 1912 Ph.D., Columbia University—Her academic dissertation was “Mental fatigue”—She was the first Japanese woman to earn a Ph.D. (However, Kyoko Okami earned an M.D. from Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania at 1889)
  • 1906 B.A., Department of English literature, Japan Women’s University (at that time, the university is not considered an institution of higher education)
  • 1902 Graduated Gunma kenritsu koto jyogakko (Gunma prefectural girls’ higher school, the precursor to Takasaki girls’ high school)


  • 1906 Studied psychology under the guidance of Professor Matataro Matsumoto at Japan Women’s University.
  • 1907 Entered Columbia University to study experimental pedagogic and experimental psychology under Drs. Thorndike, Woodworth, and Cattell
  • 1912 Suggested that Japan Women’s University establish an experimental psychology program


  • She contributed the establishment of experimental psychology laboratory in Japan Women’s University, as well as research on fatigue and methodological study.


  • Experimental psychology
  • Mental fatigue

Web Links


  • Hiroshi Oizumi (2003). Nihonshinrigakusha-jiten. Tokyo: Kabushiki Kaisha Kress Shuppan.
  • Izumi Ogino, (1983). Haraguchi Tsuruko-Jyosei- shinrigakusya- no- senku. Nagano: Kabushiki Kaisha Ginga Shobo.
  • Tatsuya Sato, Hazime Mizoguchi, (1997). Tsushi Nihon-no-shinrigaku. Kyoto: Kitaoji Shobo.