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Seishiro Aoki

Born: March 15th, 1894 in Matsumoto City, Nagano prefecture
Died: December 9th, 1956


  • B.A (1922) Department of Psychology, College of Letters, Tokyo Imperial University (Major psychology)—His academic dissertation was “Chui ni kansuru kenkyu (Research of Attention)”


  • 1922-1923 Teacher at Tokyo prefectural girls’ high school
  • 1922 Instructor at College of Agriculture, Tokyo Imperial University
  • 1926-1937 Associate professor at College of Agriculture, Tokyo Imperial University
  • 1937-1944 Professor at Tokyo Nogyo Kyoiku Senmon Gakko (Tokyo vocational college for agricultural education)
  • 1941 Research director at Nihon Seisyonen Kyoiku Kenkyu (Japan Adolescent Educational Institute)
  • 1946 Supervisor of publication at Ministry of Education
  • 1946-1947 Preparatory director at Tokyo Medical and Dental University
  • 1947-1949 Chief of educational material as administrative official at Ministry of Education
  • 1949 Professor and President at Tokyo Kasei University
  • 1950-1956 President at Tokyo Kasei junior college


  • He mainly exerted the psychology of learning. He suggested that educational, child, and adolescent psychology should approach psychological problems come from educational instructions. Mainly he engaged in Japanese education with his psychological research and theory after World War II. 


  • Educational psychology
  • Child psychology
  • Adolescent psychology


  • Hiroshi Oizumi (2003). Nihonshinrigakusha-jiten. Tokyo: Kabushiki Kaisha Kress Shuppan.
  • Nihon no shinrigaku kanko iinkai. (1982). Nihon no shinrigaku. Tokyo: Nihon bunka kagaku sha.