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Ena Vazquez-Nuttall

Born: 1937 in Salinas, Puerto Rico
Died: October 20, 2011 in Newton, Washington

Education and Work

  • Received Bachelor’s degree from University of Puerto Rico.
  • Received Master’s degree from Radcliffe College.
  • Received EdD in counseling and school psychology from Boston University.
  • Directed the school Psychology program at Northeastern University.
  • For 10 years she held the Dean position for graduate studies at the Bouve College of Health Sciences.
  • She also worked as the assistant dean of multicultural education and as a professor.

Contributions and Accomplishments

  • She founded the first doctoral program at Massachusetts-Amherst and the second at Northeastern University in Boston.
  • She advocated for and promoted the importance of cultural diversity before it was considered a significant issue.
  • Her writings, especially “Multicultural Counseling Competencies: Individual Organizational Development”, have had a major impact on APA policies and practices today.
  • She was a fellow of APA’s Division 16, served on many committees, and chaired the Training and Education Group of the Commission on Ethnic Minority Recruitment, Retention and Training in Psychology.
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